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As we progress towards more decentralised control of the Alien Worlds metaverse we are incrementally opening up more control to be managed by the community. Here we detail more about the actions and logic that the community will be able to control an how they can exercise those added capabilities.

📄️ User Points Proxy

The userpoints distribution is being opened up to be controlled by the new groups (within some safe limits). Each group will be allocated a budget of user points that can be distributed within a given time period. With this allocation can choose to distribute this one one or multiple games/dapps with a time cadence of their choosing. They can also choose to withdraw the budget and reallocate it to another group if they are not happy with the behaviour of given group, as long as the group has not already exceeded the amount they are attempting to withdraw for the given time period.

📄️ Mining

If you're reading this you are probably familiar with the mechanism of mining in Alien Worlds. The details are covered in the technical blueprint and the technical docs related to the mining contract. It is possibly the most called action of any blockchain game in the world and therefore a rich source of data and opportunity to extend with futher composable logic from other smart contracts on the same Wax blockchain. For security reasons this capability is reduced to the general public, since we have seen some evidence of abuse in this area in the early days of the mining. However, in blocking this capability from abuse, we also blocked this capability from useful additions from the community. Therefore we are providing a mechanism to selectively allow some 3rd party smart contracts to participate in composable smart contract logic via an inline action attached to the mine action. This is facilitate by adding an optional parameter to the mine action where a user can specify a notify parameter which would trigger an inline logmine action at the end of the mine action to the account named in the notify parameter. The same shape of action can be seen in any current mine action being sent to notify.worlds for a sample. In a custom smart contract a user could implement an action in the form of: